Average speed is something you don't ever want to calculate, that is addicting and in the really long trips like yesterdays 1100 km, you'll always be disappointed.
example one. 400km to a relatives birthday. You know there will be food there so you skip eating on the road. One tank of petrol is enough and if you can go without a toilet break, you'll easily hit your goal.
example two: Anna wants to go home
1100 km's is 2-3 fillups, two chicken wing hunts, 5-7 times gotten lost, 5 battles again Candy, two toilet breaks, 3 coffees and one phone call to my trusted navigation helper. His wife likes me so he had to sort me back home.
I averaged only 78 miles per hour. I know now why I didn't get stuck in traffic, it was because everyone was faster than me. :(
The tip of the day is not to count. I feel like a grandma in a Lexus now and I am sure Peter is actually mad at me for making him look bad.
Those are from Wyoming, I truly need more time to work the damn photos into something one can publish. Funny thing is, my phone had changed settings, so all my pictures sucked until yesterday. A good thing to realize when you're almost home already.
Tonight I'll try to write up the last part of the drive, and tomorrow I'll try to write what else happened on the road. This was a great trip in all accounts, but I never had any time to write up it all on the road, so I have an update to almost every post.
Oh, don't speed, that is not nice.
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