Thursday, August 20, 2015


Gentlemen, they let me in!

Just before the state line, I managed to get pulled over for stupidity. Yup, not my first rodeo but this one was different.

See, mirrors told me I'm dealing with a female, and my first thought was jail. Rightly so, since the speed was a bit high, even if I was just passing a few trucks. We had a good chat, and she made the decision of sending me to cause havoc here rather than keep me inside Nebraska lines.

A written warning was given. If I had done that in Washington, I'd be looking for a lawyer. I think she was just so damn impressed with the balls of yarn I had to go through to get the car's papers from the glove box, and my overall excellent skills in convincing her I am an adult, she wanted me out of state.

She asked me how fast I was going, and since the only thing that can help you in those is the truth, I gave her my best estimate. I also told her that many things I can count on and one of them is that this will happen again.

I'm not writing this to brag about my luck, I completely know I deserved my fate, it was her being a really nice person that got me back to the road. Gentlemen, I do believe I have found the cop in this world that took the job to actually be good to others.

If you're lost, you know you're in Wyoming if the greeting is one like this.

"Wyoming, why the hell would that be your favorite state?"

A magnificent sunset, empty road, 80 mph speed limit (yes yes, I know how to look at the posted limits even if I do have minor issues in following them), and one hitchhiker picked up and delivered to a truck stop,  (accidentally a trucker who's ride had broken down a few miles earlier. he wanted to give me a twenty for the lift but somehow accepting money from him or any other person in the business of logistics now would feel wrong. LOL) and a hotel that has walls. I'm quite sure this place has a name, I just have seen enough of these by now that they all blend in with each other.

The sun comes up soon, and my intention is to go greet it to the roads I dream of every night when life is a bit much. Tonight, if not in jail (and yes, I will be deserving that then too) I will do my best to post good pictures. This state is a home of about 500 000 people, beautiful roads, great scenery and windswept landscape that just feels like it's screaming to tell us all it's story and the life it has seen.

I'm also happy to report my title count did not go up yesterday, though the jailbird was quite near. From a homeless to a hooker and then to jail would've been a great combination though.

Laters dudes, today is the day I've been waiting for a year. Peter is fueled up, and warming up outside, Danzig is playing in the car, my backpack is on my feet and the road calls.


1 comment:

  1. It's such a cool feeling to go back to a place you love, and it is as beautiful as you remember it being. Enjoy the drive!
